Protettivo antimacchia ravvivante base solvente

What it is for

  • Protects and enhances the original colour of shiny, polished, untreated and tumbled natural stone.
  • and tumbled natural stone. Penetrates deep down, protecting the material from water and oily stain and dirt. Ideal for tops, inlay patterns, decorative pieces.
  • Perfect for indoors and out.


  • Enhances the colour of any kind of finish.
  • For indoors and out.
  • Does not yellow, is UV resistant and it provides long-lasting protection (ASTM G154).
  • A little goes a very long way.
  • Eliminates weaknesses in granite.
  • Does not form surface film.
  • Certified as suitable for contact with foodstuffs. (Italian Ministerial Decree 21.03.73).

Ideal for


Available formats

  • 5 Lt Tank - 4 package box

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Water-based antibacterial stain protector

Polish for slabs of marble and granite

FILA Solutions S.p.A. SB

Cap. Sociale: 500.000 €

Sede legale: Via Garibaldi, 58 – 35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD) – Italy
Sede amministrativa: Via Garibaldi, 58 – 35018 San Martino di Lupari (PD) – Italy

Rea: PD-45734
Codice Fiscale: 00229240288
Partita IVA: 00229240288 – SDI: MZO2A0U

N.Reg.Impr.: Iscrizione registro imprese PD 45734

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